The Firearms MagEzine
A publication of
CenterFire Central
The Firearms MagEzine is no
longer published
Vol. 1 Issue 1 May 1998
Taking some of the mystery out of powder selection
The editor reviews the Rock Chucker Master Kit
Now available through the Internet
Other resources for related information
CenterFire Central and contributing writers are not responsible for
mishaps of any kind which may occur from use or misuse of data or
information published, electronically or otherwise by CenterFire
Central. Activities involving firearms, ammunition, components and
equipment require strict safety precautions and training which are not
detailed herein.
This being the premier issue of "The Firearms MagEzine", I felt it
might be good to tell you a little about myself.
If you have visited my web site, CenterFire Central at, then you already know that
I love firearms.
I have been involved with firearms for over 30 years now and have been
reloading for nearly 25 years. I teach an evening class on reloading at
a local college and now offer that course through the internet. It is
not a credit course, simply an educational class.
The purpose of this Ezine is to share some of what I have learned and
provide you some detailed reviews of products that are on the market.
Whether you have just purchased a new firearm or you are working on a
load that will print smaller groups down range, the inclination is to
start from square one at the loading bench to give it that personal
The reality is that unless we are wildcatting, we do not need to
re-invent the wheel. Time being a key ingredient to our success, we can
save a lot of it by simply starting with recommended loads.
For any given cartridge, there are usually several powder choices. Some
simply work better with a given cartridge and some simply work better
with a given firearm.
Before we go any further, I would like to reiterate a statement we have
all heard but should take to heart.
Do not take data from this publication, email lists, web sites or any
other source as gospel. Always cross check and recheck to make certain
that what you are doing has been proven safe.
A wonderful emerging source of information can be found on the
Internet. Simply going through some of the lists or web sites and
reading information about the cartridge with which you are working will
give you some very useful insight.
For example, if you see a recommended load for a specific cartridge
using IMR 4064, make note of it. Then look for additional references
where individuals have gotten good results with this component. You may
see a pattern developing and you can make note of the charge they are
using. Crosscheck it to make sure that it is a recommended powder for
your cartridge in the manuals, (that is plural), and then proceed.
Always start with the beginning charge weight from the manual(s) and
work up. You may be pleasantly surprised at the dramatic difference
simply switching powders can give you. I recently kept seeing a powder
listed for a cartridge I was working on and I finally jumped in and
bought a pound of it. My group size was cut in half before I started
fine-tuning the load to my gun.
What I like to do is load 10 rounds for each change that I make. For
example: Start at the minimum charge weight and load 10 rounds, bump
the charge up a little and load 10 more, a little more powder and 10
more rounds. I stop just below max charge and load 10 more rounds. Then
I am ready to head for the range. For the record, your charge increases
should be in relation to case size. A 1 grain change won't make a huge
difference on a large case, but will be dramatic in a small case.
At the range, I start with the lightest charge and fire 3 to 5 rounds.
Checking brass for pressure signs after each shot and viewing the
results on paper will give you a positive or negative response to this
particular combination.
If pressure signs warrant progression, move on to the next combination.
Repeat the procedure for each combination and you should end up with at
least 1 load that you are impressed with.
Now you have decided you like the 4th combination, you still have 5 to
7 rounds left in that combo. Run your firearm through your cleaning
program and shoot those 5 to 7 rounds.
Still happy with the performance? Is it better than what you had been
working with?
Now you have a choice, you can either go ahead and burn up the other
rounds that you were not impressed with, or you can save a little
money, take them home, and pull them apart.
Switching powders is of course only one of many options, but I consider
powder selection to be the single most important factor in working up a
load. You can spend countless hours and many dollars and still not have
a load with which you are happy. Spend some time reading, look at
what others are using and you will quickly discover a powder that may
be much improved over what you are currently using.
Because changing any component can have dramatic effects on performance
and pressure,
Beginners and novices alike would enjoy this kit. It arrives at your
bench with everything except dies and components.
I opened the carton of smaller cartons and the farther I dug, the more
excited I got. I spent years accumulating all of the equipment that
RCBS offers in this kit.
It just does not get any simpler to get involved in reloading. Pick up
a set of dies and some components and you're ready to start cranking
out loaded rounds.
Well ok, it is a little more complicated than that. You will have to do
some reading, but there are complete directions included that will walk
you through setting up the equipment. The kit even includes a Speer
reloading manual that will pump you full of helpful information as well
as supply you with quality loading data.
While you are picking out dies and components, you will want to pick up
a quality caliper to measure cases.
**The press
Picture Rock
The press is a single stage O-frame design with ample strength and
height to handle most cartridges.
The press operates smoothly with its long rigid handle. It has a primer
arm that can be hand fed or used in conjunction with the automatic
primer feed tube to avoid handling primers. There is also a primer
turning tray to get them all headed the right direction for the primer
feed tube. A spent primer catcher is held in place with a plastic clip,
and is easily removed for dumping. Though the press is solid enough to
provide a sensitive feel for seating primers I still prefer to use a
hand-priming tool purchased separately.
The ram is designed to accommodate removable shell holders which are
held in the ram with a spring clip, no set screws. Just snap in a shell
holder and you are ready.
I liked the bushing in the top of the press against which the die lock
nut rests. It is big and flat, easy to keep clean, and is
clearly visible and accessible when setting the dies in place.
**The powder measure
Picture RCBS Measure
A Uniflow powder measure is included in the kit that can speed up the
loading process dramatically. Pictured with optional micrometer adjustment
screw and stand. I am not sure how long RCBS has been producing the Uniflow
but it has proven itself for years.
The measuring screw can easily be adjusted to throw the exact charge you are seeking.
It has a lock ring designed to be tightened with thumb pressure and it stays
The bushing that carries the measuring screw runs in a cast groove in
the measure body, which allows for smooth consistent operation with a
solid stop at each end of the crank travel.
Extruded powder has the normal shearing effect expected with this type
of measure, however ball and flake powders feed through it smoothly.
**The 5-0-5 Powder Scale
Picture RCBS Scale
The 5-0-5 powder scale is a beam type scale that uses magnetic damping
to stop swing quickly. Zeroing the scale is accomplished with a large
leveling foot at the left end of the scale. Simply rotate the foot to
bring the beam to zero and you're ready to go.
The beam has a high contrast finish, which makes it easy to read the
graduations. It uses 3 poises, 1in 10-grain increments, 1 in single
grain increments and 1 in 10th grain increments.
The scoop or powder hopper rests on a base that hangs from the right
end of the beam instead of being cradled on a wire. This makes it
simple to set on the scale and quicker. A powder funnel included in the
kit gives you a big target when pouring powder into the cases.
**The Trim Pro Case Trimmer
Picture RCBS TrimPro
The Trim Pro is my favorite piece of equipment in the kit. The case
holder has a unique design that uses shell holder plates that come with
the trimmer. There are 4 plates that cover all cartridges. To put a
case into the trimmer, press a lever which releases pressure from
the plate, slip the case into the plate and release the handle. It is
fast and holds the case firmly.
The trimmer comes complete with 9 pilots for all popular calibers which
are held in the cutter shaft with a set screw. The cutter itself is
hardened steel and threaded into the shaft. The shaft is turned with a
large handle that won't wear out your thumb.
Adjustment of the trimmer is quick and effective. It has a bushing that
you slide to the desired position and lock down with a set screw. Fine
adjustment is accomplished with a larger bushing that is threaded onto
the initial bushing and locked down with a set screw. To make fine
adjustments, you simply loosen the set screw on the large bushing and
rotate the bushing, lock it back down and you're set to go. The fine
adjustment bushing is marked in .001 increments with a reference mark
to line up on the trimmer. The set screws are easy to deal with using
the hex key set that is included with the kit. A loading block is
included to hold up to 40 cases during the various operations.
**The Case Prep Tools
Picture Accessories
Included in the kit is a deburring/chamfering tool that works great. It
is big enough to grip and yet does not fatigue your hand. Also included
is a
primer pocket cleaner which like others I have used, leaves a lot to be
desired. I recently purchased an RCBS primer pocket brush that seems to
do the job quite well. The brush consists of a group of short steel
bristles bound in a steel collar. The brushes come in 2 sizes and will
fit the handle in the case lube kit or can be purchased as a set with a
**The Case Lube Kit
Picture Case Lube Kit
The kit also includes a Case Lube Kit that works great. There are 2
nylon neck brushes and 1 handle, a bottle of lubricant and a lube pad
with cover. Simply put a teaspoon of lube on the pad and spread it
around. Select the proper brush for your case neck, roll the brush
across the pad a couple of revolutions and then push it into the case
neck. You can do 2 or 3 cases and then pick up more lube on the brush.
Do 8 or 10 cases then lay them all on the pad. Roll them back and forth
with light pressure once or twice and you're ready to size them. The
pad material is firm enough that unless you roll the cases too hard, no
lube will get on the shoulder of the case.
I have tried spray on lubricant and was not impressed. RCBS makes a
spray on but I did not try it. The pad system works better than any
other method I have tried.
*In Summary*
I think the package is an excellent buy. The kit contains nearly
everything a beginner needs to get involved in reloading without
draining the bank account. Shop around, prices seem to vary on the kit
but I have seen them on the Internet for under $250 plus taxes and
This is a poor man's tumbler but it works great. For shining your
brass, try a Hoppe's Quick Clean treated cloth. It works better than
steel wool and does not scratch. Rub a few cases with the cloth and
then wipe them off with a clean dry cloth.
Copyright 1998 by CenterFire Central
All Rights Reserved