Savage 110  Tactical in 308

Product Review

February 1999


Introduction from the Editor; I made Ron's acquaintance through the Internet and turns out that he lives about 15 minutes from my home. Ron offered to help with my first "Reloading Class" at the local college and has helped ever since. You may recall the product review on the Hornady Lock-N-Load Progressive that he wrote up for me in the July issue.


Ron is an excellent marksman with handgun and rifle and a heck of a gunsmith to boot.  To my knowledge, he is the one who discovered the problem with the Ruger 77/22 bolt. See Ruger Grouping article It seems to be quite a popular topic among those who own and shoot these rifles. If he can't make it shoot, it is not going to.


I hope to put a tap on the side of his head and share more of his knowledge with you in the future.


Bill Wade

                                                Savage 110

By Ron Roberts


Recently I bought a Savage 110 tactical in 308. I had read good things about this rifle and wanted one, no real need I just wanted one so when I found one at the gun show I picked it up.  I took it home and put a 4x16 power scope on it and gave it a thorough cleaning after which I lapped the bore and rifling with a mild abrasive. I do this to all new rifles to remove any burrs on the rifling left by the manufacture.


A friend of mine who works at the local gun shop and I headed for the range. Since I didn’t have any 308 ammo loaded we grabbed a box of Black Hills target ammo and headed off. After shooting half the box at the range I was not impressed with what had been touted as a Tactical rifle 2 inch groups at 100 yards was not going to cut it with me.


After getting home I put the rifle up, planning on looking in to the problem in a day or so. Well, you know how that goes. About a month later I got time enough to give it a good look. When I pulled the action out of the stock, I saw that the pillerblock was actually setting below the level of the fiberglass in the bottom of the stock by about 1/32. This gun was supposed to be pillerblock bedded, to me, this meant that the two pieces should be touching. After about 20 min. with a dremel tool all the pieces met like they were supposed to. While I was at it I cut out around the recoil lug and cut the barrel channel out a little deeper for a good free float. I adjusted the trigger to get a 1-½ lb. pull. I then used Micro Bed to bed around the recoil lug area to give it a good solid fit.


As usual the weather turned bad and it was another three weeks before I could get to the range to try out the gun and see if what I had done worked. When I finally got up there I had managed to make up a few hand loads to try out. The first three shots measured ¼ inch center to center the next shot was off ½ inch ( I could have pulled it) and the 5th shot went back into the first hole. With the sights set a 2” high at 100 yds. I put it back in the case and went home with it. It is good enough for hunting or anything else I need to do with it.


Maybe I got a bad stock from Savage, the other two 112s I have shoot great. Any time you do large production runs one or two bad ones will slip through. So if you get a gun that is supposed to shoot very well and it doesn’t, check the bedding on it. A good solid bed is the basis for good accuracy.


Ron Roberts.


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